What is Underwriting in Real Estate for Multifamily Investment Properties?
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What is Underwriting in Real Estate for Multifamily Investment Properties?

Real estate investment can be one of the most lucrative and secure forms of investment for both individual and syndicate investors. Within generic real estate investment, multifamily properties reign supreme as one of the best investment opportunities. Multifamily properties withstand market fluctuations better than most other forms of property investment and provide their investors with…

How Does an Equity Waterfall Work for Multifamily Real Estate
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How Does an Equity Waterfall Work for Multifamily Real Estate

When investing in a real estate investment fund, one of the most common payment structures is what’s known as a real estate equity waterfall. Although it may sound daunting and can sometimes leave investors scratching their heads, a real estate equity waterfall is quite a simple model to guarantee cash flow and profits are distributed…