Viking Capital Newsletter July 2024

Viking Capital Newsletter July 2024

Viking Capital is proud to have announced our 28th investment offeringAvondale Hills, located in Atlanta, right after closing on Villas at Sundance in June.

This exciting time further advances our 2024 goal, “The Road to a Billion,” where we are on track to reach $1 billion in assets under management this calendar year.

Our executive leadership team gathered for our quarterly Pinnacle alignment to refine company goals, sustain momentum and growth across departments, and ensure we continue delivering top-tier service, asset management, and acquisitions for our investors.

In the name of continued growth, Viking Capital is also growing! If you know anyone in your network with experience in acquisitions, please send them our way. 

Viking Capital is pleased to announce our new Fund to Fund program. This will support our capital raising efforts, while putting money in your pocket for utilizing your extensive networks.
Investing through a Fund of Funds (FOF) model offers several benefits:

  • Simplified Investment Process: The program offers a turnkey solution that handles everything from creating investment decks to managing legal documentation, bank accounts, and tax filings, making it easier and faster for investors to raise capital without the hassle of forming their own fund or navigating complex co-GP structures.
  • Compliance and Scalability: Viking Capital’s program is fully SEC-compliant, ensuring you avoid broker-dealer law issues. Its scalable structure allows multiple fund-of-fund partners to participate in a single offering, enabling the acquisition of larger, high-quality properties.
  • Cost Efficiency: The program is cost-effective, and supported by a dedicated back-office team that manages all administrative tasks. By scaling across multiple partners, Viking Capital can offer these services at a lower cost, maximizing your investment potential.

Book a call to learn more about our Fund to Fund program.

We’re thrilled to announce that Viking Capital’s Director of Investor Relations will be visiting several locations this quarter, the first being Dallas on August 6th & August 7th, and then Atlanta on August 9th, 10th, and 11th. If you’re interested in meeting in person, please text us to reserve your spot!
As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to our Investor Relations Team.

Onward & Upward,

Last week, Fed Chair Jerome Powell expressed growing confidence that inflation is moving closer to the 2% target rate, which initially led the central bank to hold off on lowering rates.

However, with new data on inflation, employment, and corporate profits signaling a potential need for immediate action, there are reports that the Fed may be holding an emergency meeting this week to discuss an urgent rate cut. Market expectations are now leaning toward a possible 100 basis point rate cut by the September meeting. 

What this is beneficial for our investors: 

  • Lower Financing Costs: A rate cut reduces borrowing expenses, increasing cash flow and improving returns for multifamily investors.
  • Increased Rental Demand: Lower interest rates make renting more attractive than buying, boosting demand for multifamily units and supporting higher occupancy and rents.
  • Higher Property Values: Cheaper financing drives competition, raising property values and creating opportunities for equity growth and profitable sales.
The U.S. multifamily market saw a strong rebound in Q2 2024, with 170,000 units absorbed—the highest number since Q3 2021. Despite 180,000 new units delivered last quarter, this marks the smallest supply-demand gap in 11 quarters, all while maintaining a steady vacancy rate.
Join Viking Capital’s latest podcast episode where we discuss how to adapt to various market cycles, and have an investment portfolio that will counterbalance volatility in any market cycle.
Season one of our podcast is wrapping up, and we’re looking to revamp for next season! We’d love your feedback—please take a moment to fill out our quick survey and let us know what you enjoyed and what you’d like to hear more of next season.
Elevate Greene’s Clubhouse and model unit, 18 additional units, as well as all exterior renovations have been completed and leased at an average of $150 rent premium over the typical rents.

Quarterly reports with video updates are going out this week. Please be on the lookout for them.