October Newsletter

October Newsletter

Viking Capital’s executive team met in DC last week to further develop, educate, and strategize within each department. Our Director of Strategic Planning implemented AI tools across all divisions for Q3, increasing overall productivity without increased employee costs.

Key Implemented AI Tools:

🗝️ The power of a personal assistant through AI Xena automates Zoom invites effortlessly.

🗝️ Need incredible imagery? Midjourney AI can create works of art with your direction.

🗝️ Goblin Tools provides quick SOP’s to make basic company operations even quicker.

🗝️ Saving over 7 hours a week of work per employee, we’ve found that Magical AI can quickly autofill responses, and even data entry!

Good news! Those discouraged about Earth’s housing market could eventually have an alternative. All jokes aside, NASA aims to put the first housing subdivision on the moon by 2040, the New York Times reported.

🚀To build on the moon, NASA envisions sending a 3D printer there to build structures with lunar concrete formed from rock chips, mineral fragments and disturbed billows in poisonous clouds.

As we prepare for Q1, Viking Capital is working on new and improved investor reporting, as well as monthly townhalls. In the meantime, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to our Investor Relations Team.

Thank you for your trust in Viking Capital. Onward & Upward,

The multifamily housing sector has proven resilient thanks to strong residential demand, due in part, to housing’s low supply and high costs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Despite the current economic climate, we prioritize value-add projects that boost revenue and protect capital during rising interest rates.
  • For example, take a property bought at $20 million with a 5% cap rate, $1 million NOI. Left unchanged, this property would now be valued at $16.7 million as the market cap rate increased to 6%. In contrast, a value-add engineered $300,000 NOI increase would boost the property to $21.7 million, a solid result in this market.
  • “Be greedy when others are fearful, and be fearful when others are greedy.” We hold a strong belief that the current market disruptions and challenges bring forth significant opportunities. Multifamily deals are now available at discounts of 20-30% off their peak prices.

Listen to our latest podcast episode with Doug Allan where we discuss early financial literacy, and how to talk to your kids about investing.

Key Takeaways: 

  • How to instill responsible spending habits in children.
  • Early wealth building through financial literacy, including compounded interest.
  • Early investment options for kids.
  • How to teach early fundamentals of risk/reward dynamics related to finances and consumption.

Viking Capital has rolled out an ESG initiative across all properties to minimize environmental impact and enhance communities.

✅Eco-Friendly Tech: Regular integration of water-saving mechanisms, LED lights, and smart thermostats and doors.

✅Solar Exploration: Viking Capital is actively considering solar solutions for suitable properties.

✅Access to community wellness programs, and updated fitness equiptment on each property.

If you missed it, during a time of very low deal or transactional volume, Viking Capital closed on Park 33 and was awarded a new deal, Stewart’s Mill, on the same day.

Viking Capital is hosting an investor webinar to further report on the deal dynamics of Stewart’s Mill. Join us on November 8th at 7 PM and gain insights on:

  • Why Stewart’s Mill is well-positioned to weather market disruptions.
  • Discover how our significant discount will lead to stronger returns.
  • Join us to uncover positive news from due diligence.
  • Gain economic insights and how this specific investment will help you minimize your taxes.
  • Learn how the money market account helps you to build wealth from the moment you invest with us.

Join us on November 8th, to learn why this deal works during a time of low transactional volume.


Have you visited our website recently? 

We have updated our site to include free resources and advanced investor tools. This rolodex of information is dynamically evolving each week.